Let's Talk About Your Property

At Vesco Cost Segregation Group, we're dedicated to providing you with quality and timely cost segregation services.  For all inquiries and requests, you may use the contact form below, or contact us directly:

Vesco Cost Segregation Group

841 Hamlet Lane, A-2

Westlake, OH 44145


Phone: (440) 333-1900

Fax:  (440) 333-1983

E-mail: Rvesco@vescoconsulting.com

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Want a No Obligation Estimate?

We provide no obligation estimates on the Estimated Net Present Value and fixed Fee to perform a Cost Segregation Study for your building.  Go to No Obligation Estimate page or call Randy Vesco at (440) 333-1900 for a free consultation.

Why Vesco Cost Segregation Services?

We have helped Clients significantly improve their cash flow by performing Cost Segregation Studies on properties across the United States that use only methods permitted by IRS Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures and Case Law developed through related Tax Court cases and conform to guidance provided by the IRS Cost Segregation Audit Techniques Guide.


Contact Information

Vesco Cost Segregation Group

Randy Vesco

841 Hamlet Lane, A-2

Westlake, OH 44145

(440) 333-1900

Fax (440) 333-1983