How Beneficial is My Property?
While any type of property used for profit qualifies for the benefits of cost segregation, some are inherently more beneficial than others. Based on our experience, the following chart shows the percentages of building costs that can be reclassified from either 39 or 27-½ year real property to 5, 7, or 15-year property.
These ranges are presented to give the reader a sense of the amount of building cost that can be segregated and should not be relied upon in any other manner. The wide percentage range reflects the unique sets of facts and circumstances that arise with different types of properties and within different types of properties.
For a No Obligation Estimate on your property please contact us.
Want a No Obligation Estimate?
We provide no obligation estimates on the Estimated Net Present Value and fixed Fee to perform a Cost Segregation Study for your building. Go to No Obligation Estimate page or call Randy Vesco at (440) 333-1900 for a free consultation.
Why Vesco Cost Segregation Services?
We have helped Clients significantly improve their cash flow by performing Cost Segregation Studies on properties across the United States that use only methods permitted by IRS Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures and Case Law developed through related Tax Court cases and conform to guidance provided by the IRS Cost Segregation Audit Techniques Guide.
Contact Information
Vesco Cost Segregation Group
Randy Vesco
841 Hamlet Lane, A-2
Westlake, OH 44145
(440) 333-1900
Fax (440) 333-1983