The Cost Segregation Process

Here is our professional and straightforward approach to minimize your valuable time and maximize the cash flow benefit our Client will receive in accordance with professional engineering and cost estimation procedures and IRS guidance: 


1.  The Client provides us with the applicable cost detail depending on whether the property was acquired or constructed by them, depreciation schedules, description of property and its physical characteristics, etc.


2.  We prepare a No Obligation Estimate identifying the estimated Net Present Value of the Tax Benefits and the Fixed Fee to perform the study.


3.  After review and acceptance of the Estimate by the Client, we will issue an Engagement Letter summarizing the responsibilities and terms of the relationship.


4.  The Client will provide us with blueprints and final cost information reconciled to the General Ledger along with the supporting documents. 


5.  Review the blueprints along with equipment layout drawings to develop a thorough understanding of the construction project and then perform our takeoffs from the blueprints.


6.  Perform an on-site visit to synchronize our takeoffs of the blueprints with what's actually on-site. 


7.  Allocate the general contractor’s indirect project costs to each estimated take-off and then the owner’s indirect costs are allocated to each estimated take-off.


7.  Reclassify each individual take-off into the proper asset classification.


8.  Issue our final report which is in accordance with IRS Procedures for a quality Cost Segregation Study.

Want a No Obligation Estimate?

We provide no obligation estimates on the Estimated Net Present Value and fixed Fee to perform a Cost Segregation Study for your building.  Go to No Obligation Estimate page or call Randy Vesco at (440) 333-1900 for a free consultation.

Why Vesco Cost Segregation Services?

We have helped Clients significantly improve their cash flow by performing Cost Segregation Studies on properties across the United States that use only methods permitted by IRS Revenue Rulings, Revenue Procedures and Case Law developed through related Tax Court cases and conform to guidance provided by the IRS Cost Segregation Audit Techniques Guide.


Contact Information

Vesco Cost Segregation Group

Randy Vesco

841 Hamlet Lane, A-2

Westlake, OH 44145

(440) 333-1900

Fax (440) 333-1983